When Godly People Do Ungodly Things: Finding Authentic Restoration in the Age of Seduction - Beth Moore
This is one of the most important books I've read in the past five years. I say it fills a gap because of the way it so clearly addresses the specific topic of spiritual "seduction." The anonymous Amazon reviewer of 3/26/02 did a good job of describing what that is and is not. In contrast to the willfully disobedient or rebellious person, the seduced person may creep by almost imperceptible steps to a spiritual disaster he could not have imagined could happen to him.

Moore is compassionate without being soft. She does not excuse the sin or the sinner, but her harsher words are for those who those who are ready to throw the first, second, and third stones.

The book is very practical in terms of the risk factors for being seduced, how to arm ourselves, how to get help from God and others when we have fallen, and how to be a godly helper to someone else in the situation.

As a missionary doctor with some background in counseling and with some member care responsibilities, I can say that this book (or something else like it, which doubtless exists though I don't know what) should be essential reading for pastors, counselors, lay leaders, missionaries, and anyone else with leadership and pastoral responsibilities. Beyond that, it would be valuable reading for anyone serious about his or her spiritual life.